Eeshland's flag (and symbol of Eeshality)

This is the gate or entrance to Eeshland. And behind that gate is Eeshland, obviously, and train tracks. And the train that uses them is known as the Hashu Sno(a)rt. Its top speed is unknown, most likely infinite. In Eeshland, trains usually crash...And that's not a problem, as that's the 2nd purpose of a train in Eeshland, as the first is for Eeshes know...cause trouble with when driving. Hey get away Eesh! You're ruining the photo! Sorry about that btw. Eeshes usually misbehave here by the way.

A photo of an Eesh misbehaving. He is throwing a sladgehammer, with intentions to damage things.

There are multiple types of Eesh, With a photo referring to the main variants of Eesh. There are also mutants, babies, and dwarves.

A bit about Eeshes

They Like destruction and misbehavior. The photo above provides proof. There are clones called "Demons" which only have the infinity gen. form and they also like destruction and misbehavior. They also live in He** and no Eesh has ever built a portal and gone there. And they also like playing Minecraft. This article is about EESHES! FOCUS! Eeshes also like Minecraft too. And both Eeshes and demons as infinite gen swing their tails around like a flail mace, destroying things wherever the tail is. Baby Eeshes will scream V E R Y loud and literally destroy EVERYTHING in their path. People should fear Eeshes greatly but not the babies. They are just adorable. Oh wait. This one just tore a man's arm off screaming to high heavens. Gallery;